Not to far from the iconic McKillops Bridge in the Snowy River National Park you will find this quaint suspension bridge which opened in 1935. Today you can walk over the historical bridge. It was restored in 2005 at a cost of $230,000. Once upon a time the bridge was used by farm trucks to cross the Deddick River to the Ambyne Settlement. Imagine being a pioneer in this scenic part of Victoria.
Ambyne Suspension Bridge, Deddick Valley
If you love bridges you will enjoy stopping on this windy, dirt road to explore the bridge and take in the serenity. As you walk across the bridge you look down onto the Deddick River. For bridge lovers don’t forget to allow plenty of time to explore the nearby iconic McKillops Bridge.
On our visit there was evidence people had camped on the nearby flat grassed area. Whilst it was not sign posted as a designated camping area, it certainly would make a great place to call home for the night.
The Ambyne Suspension Bridge, Deddick Valley
For those interested in the history of Ambyne Suspension Bridge there is an information board providing the highlights of this historical bridge.
Ambyne Suspension Bridge, Deddick Valley
Ambyne Suspension Bridge, Deddick Valley
Nearby places to explore
Our visit to The Ambyne Suspension Bridge was part of a 4 day road trip of the Gippsland Region of Victoria. It was a very brief visit as we were in Gippsland for a family wedding. An area we would love to spend weeks if not months exploring.
Below are some of the areas we explored. Ensure you allow plenty of time to visit, whilst the distance doesn’t appear far, don’t be fooled it takes a long time to travel on these roads. The roads are dirt and very windy. You also need to be on alert for the Australian wildlife. On our visit we encountered kangaroos in the middle of the road as we turned a corner. If we’d been traveling fast we would’ve collected at least one of them.
- Buchan Reserve, Buchan
- Little River Falls, Wulgulmerang East
- Little River Gorge, Wulgulmerang East
- McKillops Bridge, Deddick Valley
Buchan Reserve, Victoria Little River Falls, Wulgulmerang East Little River Gorge, Wulgulmerang East McKillops Bridge, Deddick Valley
What are the roads like?
If you are making your way towards McKillops Bridge the roads are windy and are dirt roads. Once you reach McKillops Bridge the 11km of road is said to be the most dangerous in Australia. Caravans are not recommended to travel on McKillops Bridge or the 11km stretch of road from McKillops Bridge to nearby Little River Gorge.
There is an 11km stretch of road that goes to one lane and is for two way traffic. If you meet an oncoming vehicle you may be required to reverse to an area to enable the oncoming car to pass. The road is not only narrow but many parts of the road are on the steep cliff edge. It is quite a scary road to travel, not one for the inexperienced driver. Ensure when embarking on these roads your vehicle is suitable and you check the road conditions. In wet weather it can be very slippery and trees can be fallen to make it a very hazardous journey.
After saying all of the above, it is one awesome road trip to embark on. The scenery is magnificent. Take your time and enjoy this gorgeous part of Victoria.
McKillops Bridge, Deddick Valley McKillops Bridge, Deddick Valley
If you are heading to or from Lakes Entrance the roads are mainly dirt or graveled road and continue to be very windy. Passengers that suffer from travel sickness ensure you are well prepared with motion sickness tablets. On our visit it was a year after the bush fires had ravaged the area. It was incredible to see how nature was recovering with all the lush new green growth.
The Gap Conservation, Victoria
Whilst the area is not sign posted to be a designated camping area there was evidence where campers had been on the flat grassed area over looking the Deddick River and Ambyne Suspension Bridge.
- Picnic area
- Parking
Ambyne Suspension Bridge, Deddick Valley
Ambyne Suspension Bridge Location
Located in the Snowy River National Park in the Gippsland Region in the far North East of Victoria.
- Ambyne Road, Deddick Valley, Victoria, 3888
- Approximately 458km, 6hrs from Melbourne CBD
- Approximately 104km, 2hrs from Buchan Reserve, Buchan
- Approximately 21km, 32mins from McKillops Bridge, Deddick Valley
- Approximately 158km, 2hrs 42mins from Lakes Entrance
Ambyne Suspension Bridge, Deddick Valley
What a wonderful part of Victoria to explore. Have you explored the Gippsland Region of Victoria and traveled through the Snowy River National Park, if you have we’d love to hear about your experiences. Perhaps you’ve traveled other wonderful places you’d like to share your experience with us.
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