If you have an interest in street art then you are bound to love the Silo Art Trail. It is fascinating to see such beautiful pieces of artwork on such a grand scale, they are truly mind blowing. The artwork has been created in the rural country towns to assist in bringing tourists to their towns. They’ve certainly hit a winner. At each silo art you will find many looking and admiring the fantastic artwork.
There are parking bays and look out points which are clearly marked to ensure you get the best view point of the art work. Here you will find information detailing the art works and artists.
Our Experience
We started our day exploring the street art of Benalla before embarking on the Silo Art Trail. On this occasion we did not complete the trail but saw 4 of the awesome silos. It was Australia Day, therefore we felt exploring the Victorian Country Towns was a fitting thing to do. As time was not on our side we opted not to visit ‘Sophia’ of Goorambat and the Winton Wetland’s Water Tank, both of these we will visit on our next adventure to Benalla where we plan to go camping for the weekend.
Camping for the weekend was not an option due to the state being declared a National Disaster with the bush fires. This makes us more determined to visit these beautiful country North East Victoria country towns to support the local businesses.
Silo Art Trail
Starting at Benalla the first silo to explore is in Goorambat which is approximately 19km. From here only 600m away is the ‘Sophia’ of Goorambat, then travel 13km to see the Devenish Silo. St James Silo is 8km from Devenish. The last silo in Tunagamah is 15km. From here you make your way back to Benalla and the last point of interest 57km away is Winton Wetland’s Water Tank. There are more silo and water tanks with artwork popping up, so ensure you check out any new places to explore.
If you visit Benalla information centre you can pick up a map of the North East Victoria Silo Art Trail and get information on each of the artworks. We found the staff to be extremely friendly and helpful.
- Goorambat Silo
- ‘Sophia’ of Goorambat
- Devenish Silo
- St James Silo
- Tungamah Silo
- Winton Wetland’s Water Tank

Goorambat Silo Art
The Goorambat Silo was definitely a highlight for us. It is situated in the small northern Victorian country town of Goorambat which as at the 2016 census was home to 297 in and around Goorambat. We totally fell in love with the Clydesdale horses and the Barking Owl. These silos were painted by Jimmy Dvate’s. The Barking Owl artwork is to make many aware of the owl which is an endangered specie. It is the most threatened owl in Victoria.

Whilst visiting these silos don’t forget to check out the local pub and have a counter meal or refreshment. On a nice day you can sit out the front of the pub enjoying your refreshment as you look out over to the silo artwork.

‘Sophia’ of Goorambat
Whilst we were only 600m away from this artwork time was not on our side to visit the Uniting Church where ‘Sophia’ is painted. Looking at the pictures in brochures if you have time it looks like a worthwhile place to explore. The artwork depicts the female aspect of the Holy Spirit captured by artist Adnate. We will return to witness with our own eyes this piece of art.
Devenish Silo
The Devenish Silo situated in the tiny Victorian Town Devenish which is home to 197 people including the surrounding areas as at the 2016 census. The Silo art created by artist Cam Scale is another awesome piece of artwork. The artwork is to remember those from the Devenish Community that enlisted in military service. The silos also represent the prosperity of local grain production in Devenish. You really have to go and see the artwork for yourself to realise the scale of these magnificent artworks.

Near the car parking area there is also museum where you can see several old vehicles that were used back in the day.

The Post Office of Devenish first opened in 1877, it was previously known as Broken Creek. The township developed around 1889, with the railway station opening in 1883.

St James Silo
St James is an even smaller country town in Northern Victoria, with a population of 132 as at the 2016 census. With these numbers it doesn’t take long to realise why the artwork is hoped to bring tourists to these tiny country towns to help support the local businesses.
The St James silos were again a delight to see with our own eyes. Tim Bowtell the artist dedicated his artwork to Sir George Coles who was not only a local but also the founder of the Coles supermarkets. The other silo bunkers which were built in 1943 are painted represent the days when the bushels of wheat were delivered by horse and cart. Imagine what this town would’ve once been like. It would be great to step back in time to witness how life was back in the day.

Don’t forget to support the local businesses by popping into the pub for a refreshment.

Tungamah Silo
Although this was the last artwork we visited, it was the first silo to be painted in north east Victoria. To think this artwork was the start of many tourists visiting the country towns of Victoria in search of the fascinating artwork.
The artist Sobrane Simcock was also the first Australian female silo artists, she certainly did a wonderful job of changing our tiny country Victorian Towns and placing them on the map.

Winton Wetland’s Water Tank
Unfortunately we didn’t get to visit what is said to be a stunning tribute to three local volunteers from the fire brigade captured by artist Guide Van Helten. Colin Hooke – Chesney Vale Fire Brigade, Robert Green – Taminick Fire Brigade and Danielle Spokes – Winton Fire Brigade. Yes, it’s another place we will return and stay in the country town of Benalla.
How much time do I need to allow
If you like to take your time, stop at a couple of the towns to have a refreshment then allow 2 – 4hrs. If you plan to do a drive past then 1.5 – 2hrs. We strongly recommend you take time out to stop and check out the magnificent artwork, if even for 5-10 mins.
Silo Art Trail, North East Victoria Location
Benalla is the starting and ending point of the trail, however you can start at any of the point of interests.
- Benalla is approximately 211km, 2 hr 16 min from Melbourne CBD
- Benalla is approximately 133 km, 1 hr 35 mins from Echuca
- Benalla is approximately 48 km, 33 mins from Wangaratta
- Benalla is approximately 112 km, 1 hr 22 min from Tongala
Nearby places with artwork
If you are wanting to explore other silo and water tank artwork you may be interested in clicking on the below links for other places of interest
Redesdale Water Tank Art, Victoria, Australia a tiny country town in North East Victoria which is a great place to stop for a recharge as you travel regional Victoria.
Tongala, Victoria, Australia is a lovely country town which prides itself on its street art, at Xmas and Easter the town is decorated with painted hay bales.
What is your experience exploring the Silo Art Trail? Have you explored other Silo Art Trails or townships with awesome street art that you would like to share with us? We’d love to hear about your adventures.

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